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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.144
Subject: [10] Genetic Algorithms
L. B. Booker, D.E. Goldberg and J.H. Holland, "Classifier Systems and
Genetic Algorithms", Artificial Intelligence 40(1-3):235-282,
September 1989.
David E. Goldberg, "Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and
Machine Learning", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989, 412 pages.
See also the July 1992 issue of Scientific American.
Davis, L., editor, "Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing", Morgan
Kaufmann, 1989.
Rawlins, G., editor, "Foundations of Genetic Algorithms", Morgan Kaufmann,
See also the Proceedings of the First/Second/Third/Fourth International
Conference on Genetic Algorithms, published by Lawrence Erlbaum.
Holland, J.H. "Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems", University
of Michigan Press, 1975. Reprinted by MIT Press, 1992.
Holland, J.H., Holyoak, K.J., Nisbett, R.E., and Thagard, P.R., "Induction:
Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery", MIT Press, 1988.
Subject: [11] Production Systems, Expert Systems and Match Algorithms
Bruce G. Buchanan and Edward H. Shortliffe, "Rule-Based Expert
Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming
Project", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1985. The Davis and King
paper (chapter 4, "An overview of production systems") provides
a good overview.
Frederick Hayes-Roth, "The knowledge based expert system: A tutorial",
IEEE Computer 17(9):11-28, 1984.
Bruce G. Buchanan and R.O. Duda, "Principles of Rule-Based Systems",
Tech Report HPP-82-14, 1982. (Discusses the design of expert
systems, including representation, inference, and uncertainty
management. Examples from numerous specific systems, and discusses
which problems are suitable for attack by rule-based systems.)
Charles L. Forgy, "OPS5 User's Manual", Technical Report
CMU-CS-81-135, Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer
Science, Pittsburgh, PA 1981.
Charles L. Forgy, "RETE: A fast algorithm for the many
pattern/many object pattern match problem", Artificial
Intelligence 19(1):17-37, September 1982.
Daniel P. Miranker, "TREAT: A better match algorithm for AI
production systems". In Proceedings of the Sixth National
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87), pages 42-47,
August 1987.
Mark Perlin, "The match box algorithm for parallel production
system match", Technical Report CMU-CS-89-163, Carnegie Mellon
University, School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, May 1989.
Michael A. Kelly and Rudolph E. Seviora, "An evaluation of DRETE
on CUPID for OPS5 matching", in Proceedings of the Eleventh
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-89),
pages 84-90, Detroit MI, August 1989, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Subject: [12] Integrated AI Architectures
Kurt VanLehn, editor, "Architectures for Intelligence",
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1991.
John E. Laird, Allen Newell, and Paul S. Rosenbloom, "SOAR: An
Architecture for General Intelligence", Artificial
Intelligence, 33(1):1-64, 1987.
Steven Minton, Jaime G. Carbonell, Craig A. Knoblock,
Daniel R. Kuokka, Oren Etzioni, and Yolanda Gil.
"Explanation-based learning: A problem solving perspective".
Technical Report CMU-CS-89-103, Carnegie Mellon University,
School of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA, 1989.
Tom M. Mitchell, J. Allen, P. Chalasani, J. Cheng, Oren Etzioni,
Marc Ringuette, and Jeffrey Schlimmer, "THEO: A Framework for
Self-Improving Systems", in Kurt VanLehn, editor, Architectures for
Intelligence, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1991.
Subsumption Architectures:
Brooks, R., "A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot",
IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, RA-2, pages 14-23, April 1986.
Subject: [13] Fuzzy Logic
Zadeh, L.A., "Fuzzy Sets," Information and Control, 8, 338-353, 1965.
Klir, George J. and Folger, Tina A., "Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and
Information", Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.
Zimmermann, Hans J., "Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications",
Boston, MA, Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing, 1985.
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade, and Ronald R. Yager, editors,
"Readings in Fuzzy Systems", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1992.
Subject: [14] Artificial Life
The best source for information is the proceedings of the
Artificial Life conferences. The proceedings were edited by
Christopher G. Langton and published by Addison-Wesley.
ISBN 0-201-09356-1 and 0-201-52751-2.
Langton, C.G., editor, "Artificial Life" (Proceedings of the First
International Conference), Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Langton, C.G., Taylor, C., Farmer, J.D., and Rasmussen, S., editors,
"Artificial Life II", Addison-Wesley, 1991.
Forrest, S., editor, "Emergent Computation", MIT Press, 1991.
Levy, S. "Artificial Life", 1992. [A popularization]
Jean-Arcady Meyer and Stewart W. Wilson, "From animals to animats:
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of
Adaptive Behavior (1990, Paris, France)", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
Subject: [15] Qualitative Physics and Model Based Reasoning
QP Theory:
Forbus, K. D., Qualitative Process Theory, Artificial Intelligence,
24:85-168, 1984.
Kuipers, B., Qualitative Reasoning with Causal Models in
Diagnosis of Complex Systems, In D. S. Weld & J. deKleer, editors,
Readings in Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems,
pages 257-274, chapter 10, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1989.
MBR-based Diagnosis:
Davis, R., Diagnostic Reasoning Based on Structure and Behavior,
Artificial Intelligence, 24:347-410, 1984.
Function-based MBR:
Sticklen, J., Chandrasekaran, B., & Bond, W.
Distributed Causal Reasoning. Knowledge Acquisition, 1:139-162, 1989.
Subject: [16] Task-specific Architectures for Problem Solving
Generic Tasks:
Chandrasekaran, B., Towards a Functional Architecture for
Intelligence Based on Generic Information Processing Tasks, In
IJCAI-87, pages 1183-1192, Milan, 1987.
Components of Expertise:
Steels, L., The Components of Expertise. AI Magazine, Summer, 1990.
Breuker, J., & Wielinga, B., Models of Expertise in Knowledge
Acquisition, in G. Guida & C. Tasso, editors, Topics in
Expert Systems Design: Methodologies and Tools, Amsterdam:
North Holland Publishing Company, 1989.
Role-limiting Methods:
McDermott, J., Preliminary Steps Toward a Taxonomy of
Problem-Solving Methods, in S. Marcus, editor, Automating
Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems, pages 225-255,
Boston: Kluver Academic Publishers, 1988.
Subject: [17] Automated Deduction
C. Chang and R.C. Lee, "Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem
Proving", Academic Press, 1973.
Alan Bundy, "The Computer Modelling of Mathematical Reasoning",
Academic Press, 1983.
David Duffy, "Principles of Automated Theorem Proving", John
Wiley and Sons, 1991.
Larry Wos and Ross Overbeek and Ewing Lusk and Jim Boyle,
"Automated Reasoning. Introduction and Applications", Second Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Subject: [18] Probabilistic Reasoning
Neapolitan, Richard E., "Probabilistic Reasoning in Expert Systems:
Theory and Algorithms", John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
Oliver, Robert M., and Smith, James Q., editors, "Influence Diagrams,
Belief Nets and Decision Analysis", John Wiley and Sons, 1990.
Pearl, Judea, "Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems:
Networks of Plausible Inference", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo,
California, 1988.
Shafer, Glenn, and Pearl, Judea, "Readings in Uncertain Reasoning",
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, California, 1990.
R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, and N.J. Nilsson, "Subjective Bayesian Methods
for Rule-Based Inference Systems", In Proceedings of the 1976 National
Computer Conference, pages 1075-1082, AFIPS, 1976.
Subject: [19] Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Matthew L. Ginsberg, "Readings in Nonmonotonic Reasoning",
Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1987.
Reiter, Ray, "Nonmonotonic Reasoning", Annual Review of Computer
Science, 2:147-186, 1987. (Appears in Ginsberg.)
Doyle, J., "Truth Maintenance Systems", Artificial Intelligence,
12(3):231-272, 1979.
Subject: [20] Robotics and Computer Vision
John J. Craig, "Introduction to Robotics", Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1989.
Martin A. Fischler and Oscar Firschein, editors, "Readings in
Computer Vision", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1987.
J. Michael Brady, "Computational approaches to image understanding",
ACM Computing Surveys 14(1):3-71, March 1982. (Survey of methods in
computer vision.)
David Marr, "Vision: a computational investigation into the human
representation and processing of visual information", W.H. Freeman,
San Francisco, CA, 1982.
[Three papers in the Encyclopedia of Aritificial Intelligence are
Path planning and obstacle avoidance, pages 708-715
Mobile robots, pages 957-961
Sensors, pages 1031-1036]
The 6.270 Robot Builder's Guide, by Fred Martin. Available by
anonymous ftp from kame.media.mit.edu ( in
~ftp/pub/fredm/README or in cherupakha.media.mit.edu:pub/6270/docs
[]. This directory contains "The 6.270 Robot
Builder's Guide", the course notes to the 1992 MIT LEGO Robot Design
Competition. For more information, contact Fred Martin
Subject: [21] Distributed AI
Alan H. Bond and Les Gasser, "Readings in Distributed
Artificial Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1988.
Michael N. Huhns, ed., "Distributed Artificial
Intelligence", Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.
Les Gasser and Michael N. Huhns, eds., "Distributed
Artificial Intelligence, Volume II", Morgan Kaufmann, 1989.
(Special Issue on Distributed AI) IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan 1981.
(Special Issue on Distributed AI---10 years later) IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vol. 21,
No. 6, Nov/Dec 1991.
Decentralized Artificial Intelligence, Y. Demazeau ed. 1990,
Decentralized AI 2, Demazeau, Y. & Muller, J-P, eds. 1991,
Decentralized AI 3, Werner & Demazeau eds. 1992,
all published by Elsevier Science Publishers .
[Surveys can be found in the Bond & Gasser book listed above,
and in: The Handbook of AI volume 4 1989; IEEE Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics-17(5) 1987; Kluwer Academic's AI Review-6(1)1992.]
Subject: [22] Philosophy of AI
D. McDermott, "Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity," in
Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, J.
Haugeland, editor, chapter 5, pp. 143-160, MIT Press, 1981.
H.A. Simon, "Sciences of the Artificial", 2nd Edition, MIT Press, 1981.
A.M. Turing, "Computing Machinery And Intelligence," Mind, vol. LIX,
no. 236, 1950. Reprinted in "Computers and Thought", Feigenbaum &
Feldman (eds.), 1963. Also reprinted in "The Mind's I", Hofstadter &
Dennett (eds.). Also reprinted in "Readings in Cognitive Science",
Collins & Smith (eds.), section 1.1.
Roger Penrose, "The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning computers,
minds, and the laws of physics", Oxford University Press, New York,
1989, 466 pages, $30.
Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett, "The Mind's I:
Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul", Basic Books, New
York, 1981, 501 pages, $15.50.
Daniel C. Dennett, "Consciousness explained", 1st edition, Little,
Brown and Company, Boston, 1991, 511 pages, $27.95.
John Haugeland, "Artificial Intelligence: The very idea", MIT Press,
Cambridge, MA, 1985, 287 pages.
John Haugeland, editor, "Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology,
Artificial Intelligence", MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1981, 368 pages.
Margaret A. Boden, editor, "The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence",
Oxford University Press, New York, 1990, 452 pages.
Hans Moravec, "Mind Children: The future of robot and human intelligence",
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988, 214 pages.
Kirsh, D., editor, "Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Special
issues of Artificial Intelligence", The MIT Press, 1991. Reprinted
from Artificial Intelligence 47(1--3), 1991.
Subject: [23] Miscellaneous
"CYC", AI Magazine 1986, 7(1), 1986.
Also, be sure to check the proceedings of the various national
conferences in the area that interests you.
PhD theses can often be obtained from University Microfilms
Internatinal, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
Subject: [24] Videotapes and Magazines
The 4th episode of the PBS series "The Machine That Changed the World" is
a good introduction to AI. It is available for $90 from Films for the
Humanities, 1-800-257-5126.
Morgan Kaufmann also has a good set of tapes of AI-related lectures, but
it runs on the expensive side.
AI-related magazines include:
Miller Freeman, Inc., 600 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Subscriptions: 1-800-274-2534 or 303-447-9330
$42/year (12 issues), $6 extra in Canada and Mexico,
$15 extra (surface mail) or $40 (air mail) for overseas.
3310 West Bell Road, Suite 119, Phoenix, AZ 85023.
Subscriptions: 602-971-1869, fax 602-971-2321.
$28/year (6 issues); $54 for two years; $78 for three years.
$9 extra in Canada and Mexico, $25 extra (air mail) for all
other countries.
;;; *EOF*
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From: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu (Mark Kantrowitz)
Newsgroups: comp.ai,news.answers
Subject: FAQ: Artificial Intelligence FTP Resources 3/3 [Monthly posting]
Summary: FTP Resources for AI
Message-ID: <ai-faq-3.text_724233756@cs.cmu.edu>
Date: 13 Dec 92 08:03:49 GMT
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Last-Modified: Thu Oct 15 22:35:01 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz
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;;; Answers to Questions about Artificial Intelligence *************
;;; ****************************************************************
;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz
;;; Thu Oct 15 22:30:13 1992 by Mark Kantrowitz <mkant@GLINDA.OZ.CS.CMU.EDU>
;;; ai-faq-3.text -- 949 bytes
If you think of questions that are appropriate for this FAQ, or would
like to improve an answer, please send email to mkant+ai-faq@cs.cmu.edu.
Part 3 (FTP Resources):
[3-0] General Information about FTP Resources for AI
[3-1] FTP Repositories
[3-2] FTP and Other Resources
[3-3] AI Bibliographies available by FTP
[3-4] AI Technical Reports available by FTP
Search for [#] to get to question number # quickly.
Subject: [3-0] General Information about FTP Resources for AI
In general, see the Lisp FAQ for Lisp-related software and the Prolog
Resource Guide and the Prolog FAQ for Prolog-related software. If a
Lisp-based or Prolog-based system is listed here, only the ftp site
and directory will be listed; for a more detailed description, see the
Lisp FAQ and the Prolog Resource Guide. For information on obtaining
the Lisp FAQ or the Prolog Resource Guide see [1-0].
Subject: [3-1] FTP Repositories
Ada Repository:
The Ada Repository on wsmr-simtel20.army.mil (mailing list
ada-sw@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil) contains a directory of AI programs in
PD2:<ADA.AI>*.*. A somewhat easier to access copy of the archives is
available as wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/ada/ai.
UCLA Artificial Life Depository:
ftp.cognet.ucla.edu (
Repository of papers, articles, tech reports, software and other items of
interest to Artificial Life researchers. It includes an archive of
past postings to the alife mailing list, alife@cognet.ucla.edu (send
mail to alife-request@cognet.ucla.edu to be added to the list).
(Other artificial life information is available from santafe.edu
in the directory pub/Artificial-Life-III.)
Consortium for Lexical Research:
clr.nmsu.edu []
equivalently, lexical.nmsu.edu []
Archive containing a variety of programs and data files related to
natural language processing research, with a particular focus on
lexical research. See the file catalog-short for a quick listing of
the contents of the archive. Long descriptions are in the info/
subdirectory. Publicly available materials are in the pub/
subdirectory. Materials for paid-up members of the Consortium are in
the members-only/ subdirectory. Public materials include the Alvey
Natural Language Tools, Sowa's Conceptual Graph parser implemented in
YACC by Maurice Pagnucco, a morphological parsing lexicon of English,
a phonological rule compiler for PC-KIMMO, C source code for the NIST
SGML parser, PC-KIMMO sources, the 1911 Roget Thesaurus, and a variety
of word lists (including English, Dutch, and male/female/last names).
Comments and questions may be directed to lexical@nmsu.edu.
Fuzzy Logic Repositories:
ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov:pub/fuzzy contains information concerning fuzzy
logic, including bibliographies (bib/), product descriptions and demo
versions (com/), machine readable published papers (lit/),
miscellaneous information, documents and reports (txt/), and programs,
code and compilers (prog/). You may download new items into the new/
subdirectory. If you deposit anything in new/, please inform
fuzzy@its.bldrdoc.gov. The repository is maintained by Timothy Butler,
tim@its.bldrdoc.gov. The Fuzzy Logic Repository is also accessible
through a mail server, rnalib@its.bldrdoc.gov. For help on using the
server, send mail to the server with the following line in the body
of the message:
@@ help
Other commands available include index, list, find, send, and credits.
Ostfold Regional College in Norway recently started a ftp site
for material related to fuzzy logic, ftp.dhhalden.no:fuzzy/.
Material to be included in the archive (e.g., papers and code)
may be placed in the upload/ directory. Now holds the files from
Togai's mail-server, and other files from Timothy Butler's site
ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov. It also includes some demo programs. Send
email to Asgeir Osterhus, <asgeiro@dhhalden.no>.
Togai InfraLogic, Inc. (TIL) also runs a fuzzy logic email server
which contains demo versions of some of their software, fuzzy logic
bibliographies, conference announcements, a short introduction to
fuzzy logic, copies of the company newsletter, and so on. See the
entry in the answer to question [1-8] for more information on the
company. To get started with the fuzzy logic email server, send a
message with NO SUBJECT LINE to fuzzy-server@til.com, containing just
the word "help" in the message body. The server will reply with a set
of instructions. Please address any comments, questions or requests
to either erik@til.com or tanaka@til.com. Most of the contents of the
TIL server is mirrored at Tim Butler's fuzzy logic ftp repository at
ntia.its.bldrdoc.gov and at Ostfold ftp repository at ftp.dhhalden.no.
UC/Irvine AI/Machine Learning Repository:
ics.uci.edu has a variety of AI-related materials, with a special
focus on machine learning. The directory /pub/machine-learning-databases
contains over 80 benchmark data sets for classifier systems (30mb).
Site Librarian: Patrick M. Murphy (ml-repository@ics.uci.edu)
Off-Site Assistant: David W. Aha (aha@insight.cs.jhu.edu)
Machine Learning:
Various programs (e.g., ID3) and publications related to machine
learning are available by anonymous ftp from the machine
learning group (under Raymond Mooney) at UT-Austin, at
Subdirectories include
ml-course information and homeworks from a graduate course
in machine learning taught by Dr. Mooney. Homeworks
include "miniatures" of various machine learning
systems written in Common Lisp.
ml-code Common Lisp code corresponding to the assignments
for the course in the ml-course directory.
ml-progs More "research-level" versions of inductive
classification algorithms and software for automated
experiments that generation learning curves that
compare several systems.
papers Publications producted by the machine learning
research group.
Funic Neural FTP Archive Site:
The Finnish University maintains an archive site containing a
large collection of neural network papers and public domain
software gathered from FTP sites in the US. The files are available
by annonymous ftp from funic.funet.fi:/pub/sci/neural. For
further information, contact magi@funic.funet.fi (or magi@utu.fi).
OSU Neuroprose:
archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/neuroprose (
This directory contains technical reports as a public service to the
connectionist and neural network scientific community which has an
organized mailing list (for info: connectionists-request@cs.cmu.edu)
NL Software Registry:
The Natural Language Software Registry is a catalogue of software
implementing core natural language processing techniques, whether
available on a commercial or noncommercial basis. Some of the topics
listed include speech signal processing, morphological analysis,
parsers, and knowledge representation systems. The catalogue is
available by anonymous ftp to tira.uchicago.edu (IP, by
email to registry@tira.uchicago.edu, and by physical mail to NL
Software Registry, Center for Information and Language Studies, 1100
East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637.
Subject: [3-2] FTP and Other Resources
In addition to programs available free by anonymous ftp, we've
included some programs which are available by contacting the authors,
and some programs which charge a nominal fee.
Artificial Life:
Tierra is an artificial life system for studying the evolution of digital
organisms. Tierra runs in Unix and MS-DOS. Source code and documentation
is available by anonymous ftp at tierra.slhs.udel.edu ( and
life.slhs.udel.edu ( in the directories almond/, beagle/,
doc/, and tierra/. To be added to either the tierra-announce (official
announcements only) or tierra-digest (moderated discussion plus
announcements) mailing lists, send mail to
tierra-request@life.slhs.udel.edu. Send bug reports to
Blackboard Architectures:
GBB (PD Version) -- dime.cs.umass.edu:/gbb
GEST -- Contact: Susan Coryell <scoryell@gtri01.gatech.edu>
Blackboard system. Runs on Symbolics and SUN.
Georgia Tech's Generic Expert System Tool (GEST)
Available to academic institutions for classroom use.
Case-based Reasoning:
CL-Protos -- cs.utexas.edu:/pub/porter
Contact: Dan Dvorak <dvorak@cs.utexas.edu>
Ray Bareiss <bareiss@ils.nwu.edu>
Erik Eilerts <eilerts@cs.utexas.edu>
Bruce W. Porter <porter@cs.utexas.edu>
MICRO-xxx -- Contact: waander@cs.umd.edu
The SAN Kit chess programming C source toolkit provides common routines
for move notation I/O, move generation, move execution, etc. Only search
routines and an evaluation function need be added to obtain a working
chess program. It is available by anonymous ftp from
valkyries.andrew.cmu.edu [] in the directory pub/chess/misc
as the compressed tar file san.tar.Z. Contact Steven J. Edwards,
sje@xylos.ma30.bull.com for more information.
Expert Systems:
FOCL -- ics.uci.edu:pub/SaranWrap/{README,KR-FOCL-ES.cpt.hqx}
Contact: pazzani@ics.uci.edu
Expert System Shell and Machine Learning Program;
Extends Quinlan's FOIL.
OPS5 -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:/afs/cs/user/mkant/Public/Lisp/ops5.tar.Z
BABYLON-- gmdzi.gmd.de:gmd/ai-research/Software/ (
(BinHexed stuffit archive of Babylon)
Development environment for expert systems.
CLIPS is an OPS-like forward chaining production system written in ANSI C
by NASA. The CLIPS inference engine includes truth maintenance, dynamic
rule addition, and customizable conflict resolution strategies. CLIPS,
including the runtime version, is easily embeddable in other
applications. CLIPS runs on IBM PC compatibles, Macintosh, VAX 11/780,
Sun 3/260, and HP9000/500. CLIPS is available from COSMIC at a nominal
fee for unlimited copies with no royalties. For more information, email
service@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu, write COSMIC, University of Georgia, 382
East Broad Street, Athens, GA 30602, call 404-542-3265, or fax
404-542-4807. To subscribe to the CLIPS mailing list, send a message to
the list server listserv@cossack.cosmic.uga.edu ( with
message body SUBSCRIBE CLIPS-LIST. An electronic bulletin board
containing information regarding CLIPS can be reached 24 hours a day at
713-280-3896 or 713-280-3892. Communications information is 300, 1200, or
2400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. The CLIPS help desk
phone number is 713-280-2233 and email address is
stbprod@krakatoa.jsc.nasa.gov. The book "Expert Systems:
Principles and Programming" by Joseph Girrantano and Garey Riley
comes with an MS-DOS CLIPS interpreter.
Frame Systems:
FrameWork -- ftp.cs.cmu.edu:
Theo -- Contact: Tom.Mitchell@cs.cmu.edu
FrameKit -- Contact: Eric.Nyberg@cs.cmu.edu
KR -- Contact: Brad.Myers@cs.cmu.edu
PARKA -- Contact: spector@cs.umd.edu
Frames for the CM
PARMENIDES (Frulekit) -- Contact: Peter.Shell@cs.cmu.edu